Saturday, April 16, 2016

A pic from my lessons in Lets Face It, this one inspired by the fabulous Juna Biagioni, who encourages loose and playful art. :)

Monday, April 11, 2016

here are some pics from my online course and practice.....

Inspired by the great Kylie Fowler (Lets Face It 2016)

Inspired by the great Karine Bosse (Lets Face It 2106)

Background inspired by the fabulous Deb Weiers

And the boat.......inspired by my fabulous great wonderful and talented hubby!!

Saturday, March 5, 2016


Just playing around with watercolours this afternoon - I do not have a handle on watercolours AT ALL but they intrigue me and are a medium I think I will use more and more.  Drawing is not so much the problem for me, it's the colouring in that I need lots of practice with....  and feathers....

Fairy wren - watercolours and watercolour pencils.

and here is one from a while back that i found in my journal, mixed media - acrylics, pencils, stamps.  I think I will call her Stag girl. :)

Saturday, February 27, 2016

new blog

Hiya and welcome to my new blog.  It is here I want to share my creative journey with all who want to stop by and share it with me.   

A bit about me, I am a happily married, nearly 50 years wise, mother to three great children and I work full time, nearly 30 years in mental health.  I was born in Toowoomba, Queensland, but we now live in tropical Darwin, Northern Territory and I love it here, although the heat can be tough, and seems to be getting tougher and I get older :)  My husband and I are currently building a 40 foot steel yacht - our retirement plan! We are about half way through, and plan to live aboard and semi retire when it is done. I will then be a mixed media artist on a boat! Sounds like a plan and a good future blog name :-)

I have always loved art and crafting.  Since I was little I have always hand made things, drawn and painted.  I loved nothing more than to lock myself away from the world and create, and I still love this now. It does make me a bit of a hermit though.  My love for mixed media and drawing and painting has developed later in life, and really deepened with the blooming of the art world on the internet and being able to access so much inspiring art from fabulous artists around the globe.  

I love whimsical, fun, art with positive and uplifting messages, but also surrealism, sometimes dark art, and any art that stirs my emotions. I love to work with acrylics, pencils, watercolour pencils, pens, inks, papers, stamps and crayons, and have just started to explore watercolour. I would love to try oils at some stage, they intrigue me! Having access to so many great artists and workshops online, there is a never ending supply of instruction and inspiration to draw on, and with this comes the need for copious amounts of art supplies!!  I just LOVE art supplies and these are my one true addiction in life.  I want every single thing and in every single colour!!! 

I will try to post all of the art I make, without censorship of my inner critic :)   Some of it will be inspired by the workshops I do, but I will always credit the artists who inspire what I create.

I really don't know what this journey will bring, but I am happy to be on it and I'm happy to share it with you.

Here are some pics to start with. 

The first one is inspired by Tam from and is part of Lifebook 2016 (see side bar for link). Week 1. 

The rest are practice and playing....